Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Look what i found!!

l came across this on website and would love to share it with u guys its by a guy called Creflo Dollar

We have all experienced situations that seemed impossible to handle at the time. It may have been a financial challenge or a bad report from the doctor. When things seem hopeless, and you feel you are at your worst, that is the time to turn to God and seek Him with everything you have. You may feel that you are alone in your circumstances, but God is a very present help in times of trouble. Although it would be great if the Lord would perform some sort of magical transformation of the tough circumstances you face, that just isn’t reality. However, the Word of God is your way out of any situation. Because God’s Word is infallible and contains burden-removing, yoke-destroying power, when you can meditate on it, and speak it, you will see changes in your life. While the facts about your situation may look bleak, the truth found in God’s Word brings light, hope, and deliverance. You can’t handle life’s challenges alone, and God doesn’t want you to. He loves you, and as long as you believe this in your heart, you have access to His divine intervention. Romans 8:38, 39 declare, “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Don’t allow the devil to convince you that God doesn’t love you or won’t help you. The enemy wants to steal your confidence in God. He knows that if he can cause you to feel isolated from God’s love, you will lose hope, and your life will become a battleground of chaos and destruction. What I want you to grasp is the fact that Satan wants to influence how you feel. When you allow the pressures of life to influence your emotions in a negative way, you will most likely make decisions and take actions that will keep you stuck in your present situation. Because of this, it is important that you give more attention to the Word than you do to what is going on around you. Get in the Bible and meditate on the Scriptures that speak to your situation. Allow your feelings to be governed and controlled by the Word so your decisions and actions can lead you in the right direction. In life, you will experience good and bad moments. That reality is never going to change. Christians, and non-Christians alike, will experience both. But God will be there for you through it all. Joshua 1:9 declares, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Perhaps you are facing a situation in life and are wondering if God is going to show up. Remember, the Scriptures declare: nothing can separate you from God and His love. You may not understand every detail of God’s plan for you, but when you believe in your heart that God loves you, feeling like you are fighting your battles alone will soon fade. When you have confidence in God, you will trust in what His Word says about your situation. He is not some impersonal “being” in the sky who is disconnected from the day-to-day realities in your life. He knows just when to step in and assist you when you need it most. Cast your cares upon the Lord, and don’t try to carry the load yourself. He wants to help. Would you like to learn more about God’s love for you? Visit our online bookstore today for resources that will give you understanding and revelation of this vital subject. Scripture References: Romans 8:38, 39 Joshua 1:9
Be Blessed!!

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